Une photo pas evidente…

15 Aug

5 petits enfants tous en meme temps… pas facile facile!!La pose a l’air spontanee, ne vous fiez pas aux apparences…neanmoins, avec beaucoup de patience un portrait de 4 a 1 an!!

One Response to “Une photo pas evidente…”

  1. Craig, Taryn and the 3 blessings August 18, 2007 at 12:21 pm #

    So, you’re right… I don’t understand much of your blog at all! I do understand that Jesus is Lord and Saviour! And could pick up a bit about the kids, but alas, my French is…well… non-existant really! Anyway, welcome! And I hope mine is the first of much feedback for you 🙂
    Hugs, Taryn

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